Make PE a core subject

Make PE a core subject from KS1-KS5 with a minimum of 2hrs allocated weekly

PE should be a mandatory core part of the curriculum in all schools not just a recommendation. Exercise is associated with both physical and mental well-being.

Given the increase in childhood obesity & type two diabetes, 38% of secondary schools have still cut their PE time in the last five years.

Research has found that just 8% of girls and 16% of boys aged 11-18 currently meet the recommend daily activity. Respectively 44% & 36% of girls and boys aged 13-15 are also either overweight or obese, while insufficient physical activity ultimately costs the NHS around £1 billion a year.

Youth Sport Trust and Women in Sport Girls Active survey reported that 38% of secondary schools have cut PE time since 2014 for children aged between 14-16 amid the pressure of exams and core subjects.

Please follow the link to sign this petition -

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  Published on 25 April 2019 By Andreas Fantousi


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