b'FITNESS & STRENGTHDUEL FUNCTION1 1 IMPULSE DUAL PEC DEC/REAR DELT113KG WEIGHT STACK - BLACK BUY NOWFIT1243The Pec Dec Rear Delt machine is a 2-in-1 machine for working the pecs, shoulders and rear deltoids22 IMPULSE DUAL LEG PRESS/CALF113KG WEIGHT STACK - BLACK BUY NOWFIT1244The Impulse Dual Leg Press/Calf is an all-round leg machine that works the users quad and calf muscles3 IMPULSE DUAL INNER/OUTER THIGH 113KG WEIGHT STACK - BLACK BUY NOWFIT1245The Impulse Dual Inner/Outer Thigh works on the adductor and abductor muscles of the thigh434 IMPULSE DUAL BICEP/TRICEP113KG WEIGHT STACK - BLACK BUY NOWFIT1246The Impulse Dual Bicep/Tricep is a great machine for working the upper arm55 IMPULSE DUAL ABDOM/LOW BACK 113KG WEIGHT STACK - BLACK BUY NOWFIT1247Impulse Dual Abdominal/Low Back (250lbs)Prices quoted are for supply only. Please contact our Sales Department for installation prices on +44 (0)1621 868700Should this equipment be ordered as supply only, it must be assembled by suitably qualified engineers58 CALL THE SALES TEAM ON+44 (0)1621 868 700'