Basketball Goal Shot Timers

Basketball goal shot clocks and timers are used to specify how much time a player may hold onto the ball before they attempt to score. Depending on the league, this timeframe can range from 24 to 35 seconds. 

As you can imagine, great timekeeping is vital to the integrity of the game, which is why investing in the right basketball shot clock for your facility is so important.

We stock 2 digit shot timers, sold as pairs, which can either be radio controlled or operated via a cable that is long enough to allow the timer to be positioned on the backboards or on walls at opposing ends of the court. You can set these goal shot timers to count between 1 and 99 seconds, and they will signal the end of the countdown with an automated sounding horn. They are also equipped with a radio or cable liaison control console, so the user maintains full control of the device from their position.

Our basketball goal shot timers can be used with scoreboards. They are built using highly durable materials, meaning they can withstand being hit by basketballs.

Please feel free to get in touch with our sales department to find out more about our basketball products and for help selecting the right goal shot timer for your needs. Our engineers will gladly install your chosen product onsite, if you require help in this area.

Shot Timer Units

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Pro Shot Timer Units

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